Monday, February 27, 2012

British Native American Relations

In class while discussing articles in "The World Turned Upside Down," an article about Native American support of King George was brought up. Outside of historical context this would perfect sense, with the colonies expanding into Indigenous territories it would follow that Indigenous peoples would side with the British. With the knowledge of previous events such as the French Indian War, the loyalty to the crown coming from Indigenous peoples is conflicting. Though Native Americans fought on both sides of the French Indian War, other events such as Pontiac's Rebellion were strictly anti-British campaigns perpetrated by Indigenous Peoples. It is also puzzling that with the heavy support of the Colonies from the French, that more Indigenous Tribes did not side with their former allies. Upon investagating this subject I found that there was very little research about it so all I have to offer is questions, but as we continues discussing historical events in class it would be interesting to keep this in mind.

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