Monday, January 23, 2012

What's in a name?

So after reading Literary, Historical, and Cultural Conjunctions, I have to say that some parts are a bit confusing. One of the most baffling statements in the piece is that they are not sure what to call the literature in question. "The typical labels– American Indian literature, Native American literature, native literature, Indigenous literature,Amerindian literature–all pose ethical and descriptive problems because they impose European concepts and language that are inaccurate and transform diversity into a vague generic essentialist category that can be used to marginalize or misrepresent a diversified people and a complex intercultural history." I begin to wonder at one point are we splitting hairs? The fact is if someone says "Native American Literature" you know what they are talking about, and language after all is just a tool we use to communicate effectively. The literature is diverse, but so are a lot of other things and sometimes it is just easier to have an umbrella term that can quickly cover all of the sub categories. Those who refer to the collective literatures as one of the aforementioned terms would most likely not be attempting to subjugate or belittle the diverse group, but merely relay information about the the type of literature. When we put constraints on people to dance around words that are hardly construed as having negative connotations despite the claims by Roemer, such as "Native"or "Indigenous," we begin to have a breakdown in communication all caused by the need to seem more politically correct then the person standing beside you. The fact that there is not a consensus in the Native American community itself just shows that people are putting too much into it. No one means to be offensive by saying "American Indian"or "Native American" so if the terms are not meant as derogatory why are they received with hostility? It seems that great effort has gone into attempting to find an agreeable name for the literature, which all could have been time spent enjoying it rather then arguing over the title.

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